Cornerstone Alliance



Prepared for Local Government Association of South Australia

The i-Viss (Incident – Virtual Information Sharing System) allows for all emergency-related communication to be rationalised and visible in one location for all stakeholders to contribute to and upon. This helps improve response-times and safety in the event of an emergency activation. In association with the LGA, Cornerstone Alliance developed this solution as a pilot project to gain feedback from the stakeholders.


  • Centralised Information Depository

    All relevant information pertinent to an emergency event can be centralised within the single information repository of I-Viss.

  • Near-Real Time Information Sharing

    Information is updated on the portal in real-time, allowing for greater collaboration between councils and control agencies.

  • Customised Workflows

    Conditional triggers can be implemented to allow for rule-based workflows so that information efficiency can be maximised.

Technology Stack

Microsoft SharePoint Online was selected as the platform of choice for maximising LGA’s existing investment in O365. This also allowed us to easily reach the existing user base and leverage on the vast Microsoft ecosystem. The i-Viss solution creates a separate site instance for every emergency event and allows all related communication to be contained accordingly, following a well-defined records management approach.

Each active event is displayed on the dashboard and accessible by authorised users. The i-Viss solution includes predetermined security roles specified by the LGA and uses emergency-specific vocabulary to facilitate communication between stakeholders.

Emergency updates are entered via seperate information channels which assist with keeping information relevant.
These include:

  1. LGFSG Critical Messages
  2. LGO Updates
  3. Control Agency Updates, and
  4. LGFSG Updates.