Cornerstone Alliance


Pancreatic Cancer Project

Pancreatic Cancer Project​ Prepared for FECCA Cornerstone Alliance was contracted by FECCA to project manage the marketing and promotion of the participation of health professionals in a survey regarding pancreatic cancer. We created project branding in alignment with Cancer Australia’s branding, produced marketing collateral and created an animated video which was used for a wide-spread… Continue reading Pancreatic Cancer Project


Managing your campaign to deliver effective insights.


Exploring ideas and advice for improving your marketing plan.


Designing communications for online & print.

FECCA Opioid Project

FECCA Opioid Project Prepared for FECCA FECCA wanted to raise awareness to avoiding the use and dependence on prescription opiates for vulnerable patients, especially in the multicultural and ethnic communities. To do so a series of communication messages is necessary. Cornerstone Alliance was assigned to develop a marketing strategy and produce marketing collateral to communicate… Continue reading FECCA Opioid Project

HomePlace Newsletters

HomePlace Newlsetters Prepared for HomePlace Every Quarter, HomePlace releases seasonal newsletters to communicate upcoming news and events to their participants and staff workers readily available for both print and offline. These newsletters are published on their website at What we created Summer Edition 2020 Winter Edition 2020 Spring Edition 2020 Spring Edition 2021 Summer… Continue reading HomePlace Newsletters