Cornerstone Alliance


Advancing Easy Read in SA – Disability Inclusion Act Review

About the Disability Inclusion Act The South Australian Government in 2022 organised an independent review of the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA), conducted by Richard Dennis AM PSM. This review involved an inquiry into the Act’s operation and effectiveness as the South Australian framework for promoting disability inclusion in society, and included a state-wide public… Continue reading Advancing Easy Read in SA – Disability Inclusion Act Review

Get the latest news and stories from our team

We’re so excited about the stories and news coming up in 2023 and would love to share them with you! That is why our team is creating a monthly newsletter digest to keep you informed, educated and inspired. We are so thankful for those who support a small business like ours and want to deliver… Continue reading Get the latest news and stories from our team

Why people hate marketers and how to change that

We get it. People out there don’t seem to like marketers and everything they do. There is a general assumption that marketers are annoying and pushy at best and exploitative and manipulative at worst. That marketers are the evil by-product of a hyper-capitalistic society with seemingly no morals, little compassion, and much greed.  So why… Continue reading Why people hate marketers and how to change that

2022 in Review: Closing out the Year with Cornerstone Alliance

There goes another year! One that has absolutely flown by, and one that has never stopped giving. With our continued mission to promote multicultural marketing and communications and the addition of new projects that have kept us busy, it is gratifying to look back on the year and review everything we have accomplished in 2022.  … Continue reading 2022 in Review: Closing out the Year with Cornerstone Alliance

6 Things To Know When Engaging with the Bhutanese Community

Recently, Cornerstone Alliance worked with the Bhutanese community to better understand how they communicate with each other, what platforms they use, and how they consume information. The City of Salisbury in Adelaide is home to a large population of Bhutanese people. As with most multicultural communities, Bhutanese people congregate together and choose to live in… Continue reading 6 Things To Know When Engaging with the Bhutanese Community

What the pandemic taught us about public health campaigns

Australia prides itself on its cultural diversity, with almost 28% of the population being born overseas (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2022), and almost 23% using a language other than English at home (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2022). However, the COVID-19 pandemic has raised some important lessons for public health officials and marketing personnel about the… Continue reading What the pandemic taught us about public health campaigns

Marketing Presentation

Categorised as Resource

How to create a marketing strategy that works

Have you ever had a moment thinking that you made the best marketing strategy in the world and yet, no one comes to buy your product? What happened? What went wrong? What is your strategy? It all comes down to whether you have done enough research on your product, market, and competitors and how you… Continue reading How to create a marketing strategy that works

Brand Capabilities Brochure

Would you like to know more about Cornerstone Alliance? Download the latest brochure below to know more about our team and how we can best support your organisation today.

Multicultural Marketing is more than the colour of your graphics

To get the maximum impact with your multicultural marketing, there are a few more things to consider than colouring your graphics with different skin tones or translating words written in English into a set of languages for distribution. Think about it through a simple comparison. You steam your fish, I curry it. You wear a… Continue reading Multicultural Marketing is more than the colour of your graphics